On the Brook, 16 X 20"
Jimmy & Ed's Inscrutable Face at Dawn, 15 X 30". Sold.
Earthly Separations #1, 15 X 30"
Earthly Separations #2, 24 X 48"
I also spruced up some pieces from the fall that needed help.
To the Source (Brookies leaping up Hulls Falls), 16 X 20. Sold.
Ghost Dance (on Baxter), 18 X 24"
Between Round & Giant, 16 X 20"
And there are five other new beauties that I'm not posting yet. I'll bring them down to the Corscaden Barn just as soon as I frame and photograph them.
Lovely- I just left Keene Valley and it's great to see views of the Adirondacks while I'm so far away in Colorado.