Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Man Awash (30 X 40")

Woman Turning (24 X 48")

Woman in Blue & Green (18 X 24"), sold.

Woman Bathing (18 X 24")

Move Through Blue (30 X 40")

Nudes in water is a combination rich in associations. These pieces are based on snapshots of my wife and me on our way down from a very isolated group of peaks in the Adirondack wilderness, but the man and woman should be read as universal figures. As pictures and forms, these really speak to me and I hope they translate well for people who don't know me (and for people who do!).

From my Figure Painting Class at the Corcoran

In order of appearance:

Sombra (16 X 20")

Gordo (18 X 24")

Flaco (18 X 24")

Joven (16 X 20")

Julia (18 X 24"), Collection of Gavin Dougan

Each of these has merits. The first two were done with a very limited palette, per professor Katherine Knights instructions: white, raw umber, burnt sienna, yellow ochre, blue. On Sombra and Flaco I sketched out the form with a red oil pastel before painting. Flaco was begun with a very limited -albeit expansive- palette of just light yellow, alizarin crimson (which I hadn't used since college), and pthalo blue, and white. That and black are what printers use. We were allowed to expand the palette to inject earthier tones in the final session of the pose, and I did. It's a little overworked, and I decided to stop fussing and start anew on a quick freshy in the last twenty minutes of the pose. The resulting last piece, Joven, is a very rushed, quick-response-no-time-to-fuss-or-doubt effort. It's my favorite of the group because of its energetic strokes and raw coloration. The interplay of colors and the strong lines make my heart sing as much as any piece I have ever painted.

Women on the Sofa

Tres Mujeres en el Sofa (18 X 24"), Collection of Sarai Rodriguez

These are three Andean women close to my heart. I took a snapshot on Halloween night of them at a party and based this painting on the photo. It has merits. I welcome feedback on it and all my pieces.

True Blue Papa

True Blue (24 X 36")

True Blue (Detail)

Papa sat for me back in April, and I put the painting aside to dry in order to revisit its problems later. This is where it stands after getting reworked in early November. I like it and so does Papa.

Railroad Days

West Potomac Railroad Bridge (15 X 60"), sold.

A cluster of bridges, including one for the railroad, one for the yellow/green line, and two for vehicles (I-395/14th Street) run off this southern coast of Haine's Point, with Memorial Bridge in the distance. A great place to paint when the wind is minimal, as it was on this day in early November. I think it's my best plein-air piece of the year. Below is another plein-air study of the bridge from a week before.

Railroad Bridge (16 X 20"). Jost-Iacavone Collection.