First Day Out (16 X 20"). Perez Collection.
Rock Creek in March (24 X30")
Spring Sprang (9 X 12")
Sprung (11 X 14")
These pieces are presented in order and represent my first plein-air efforts of the year. First Day Out was painted on March 17 at my beloved bench in Montrose Park, behind Dumbarton Oaks. There were just a few snowdrops and crocuses on the ground, and I admired the arc of this solemn sentinel among the day's long shadows. The Rock Creek piece was painted the next day, just downstream from the police headquarters on Beech Drive. The creek had been quite high that week, and the woods were showing the impact of the winter's storms. I'm pleased by the energized and sculptural qualities of this piece. The beech tree is clearly relishing the end of winter. The other two were painted yesterday (3/24) in Montrose Park. A very graceful cherry towers above my bench there. I painted it first from above and then from below.